Education is one of the factors that most influences the progress of a society, that is why we are committed to continuous improvement in the educational field. The phase of support granted by our Foundation is carried out in Latin America to Universities with the career of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics (DVM Schools). The scholarship selection process the Universities must meet the specifications required by our foundation, that includes grades above B+ average, with at least 7 semesters of the DVM career, a letter of intent to work for the swine industry and to have the need of a scholarship.
The process for the scholarships awarding is carried out directly by the selected Universities who are responsible for promotion process and subsequently selecting future scholarship holders maintaining ethics and transparency in the stipulated processes.

In Honor of DMV María del Consuelo Arana Flores RIP
University of Guadalajara
University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences (CUCBA)

In Honor of: DMV Ricardo Jiménez Rubio RIP and
DMV Maria del Consuelo Arana Flores RIP
University of Guadalajara
University Center of Biological and Agricultural Sciences (CUCBA)