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The AASV Foundation awarded two stipends through the Martha Acosta Foundation to Veterinary Medicine students who have been MAFI scholarship recipients in Mexico. In order to support your attendance at the AASV 2024 Annual Meeting which was held in Nashville, Tennessee. Below, you will be able to learn about the personal experience of our scholarship recipient José de Jesús González Franco, student at the Los Altos University Center (CUAltos).

José de Jesús González:

Having had the opportunity to attend the AASV Annual Meeting was an enriching experience in many aspects, both personally and professionally. It is interesting to see how, through the presentations, they show the doctors what direction the country wants to take, they show their current situation and make a plan of action to progress; the presentations were of great value in learning.

I consider that the main advantage of having attended is that I was able to broaden my vision and my horizon, meeting professionals from around the world and having their contacts opened doors for me to continue growing either to continue studying or to work, I expanded my vision by realizing that not only I have companies near my city, but I can go out to work in other parts, as currently the world is very globalized and there are companies with presence in several countries.

It was an incredible experience, and I am sure that this was only the first of many times that I will be in international congresses soaking in knowledge. I am grateful to have had the opportunity and to have taken advantage of it.