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The AASV Foundation awarded two stipends through the Martha Acosta Foundation to Veterinary Medicine students who have been MAFI scholarship recipients in Mexico. In order to support your attendance at the AASV 2024 Annual Meeting which was held in Nashville, Tennessee. Below, you will be able to learn about the personal experience of our scholarship recipient Lizbeth Camarena Monjarás, student at the University Center for Biological and Agricultural Sciences (CUCBA).

Lizbeth Camarena Monjarás:

On February 24-27, 2024, I had the privilege of attending a series of conferences hosted by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) in Nashville, Tennessee. This trip was made possible thanks to a financial stipend I received from the Martha Acosta Foundation; In this way I experienced the invaluable opportunity to immerse myself in the world of pig farming in another country and expand my horizons both professionally and personally.

During the event, I had the opportunity to participate in discussions about new projects and innovations in the field of swine farming. The topics addressed were diverse and enriching, from vaccination strategies to the management of recurrent diseases such as PRRS. Each presentation was an invaluable source of knowledge and allowed me to gain a broader perspective on the challenges and advances in this industry.

One of the most rewarding experiences was the exchange of information with other students of veterinary medicine and zootechnics from various universities in the United States. Despite the cultural differences, this interaction reminded me of the importance of teamwork and diversity of perspectives in problem solving.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents, the Martha Acosta Foundation, and the organizers of the AASV, for trusting me and providing me with this invaluable opportunity. This trip has meant much more than just acquiring new knowledge and professional contacts; It has strengthened my passion for veterinary medicine, reaffirmed my commitment to animal welfare in the pig field, and, above all, taught me to grow in each experience. I will carry with me the values of generosity, gratitude, and commitment that they represent.